Newly diagnosed with celiac disease, or just started the gluten-free diet?
You aren't alone. There are thousands of us all over the world!
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If you're struggling right now or feeling overwhelmed, it's completely normal to be. The gluten-free lifestyle can be scary at first. But like learning something new, it does get easier over time.
While every celiac diagnosis is different (you can read about mine right here), here you'll find a list of gluten-free resources, websites, blogs, apps, and community members that can help you on your journey.
Here are my top gluten-free resources to help you on the road to healing and recovery!
Research-Based Websites & Foundations
Beyond Celiac
Celiac Disease Foundation
National Celiac Association
Gluten Intolerance Group
Boston Children's Hospital: Celiac Kids Connection
Dietitians Specializing in Celiac Disease
Christianna Moran, Cultivate Nutrition
Tayler Silfverduk: Celiac Dietitian
Cristian Costas, Coeliac Dietitian
Tricia Thompson, Gluten-Free Watchdog
Feriha: Celiac Simplified
Erin: The Celiac Space
Selena: The Celiac Scene (Canada)
The Celiac Project
Travel Gluten-Free Podcast
The Gluten-Free News
Gluten-Free Food Blogs
America's Test Kitchen: Gluten-Free
Becky Excell - Gluten-Free Cuppa Tea
Karen - Healthy Gluten-Free Family
Kris - Gluten-Free With 3
Debby - Thriving Gluten-Free
Liz - Gluten-Free Mom Colorado
Mollie - Gluten-Free Mollie D
Margaret - MI Gluten-Free Gal
Peter & Kelli - No Gluten, No Problem
Katie - Wheat By The Wayside
Gluten-Free Apps/Websites For Dining Out
Gluten-Free Apps/Websites for Grocery Shopping
Thrive Market
Gluten-Free Travel Blogs
Jodi - Legal Nomads
Sarah - Endless Distances
Matt & Alysha - Wheatless Wanderlust
Erin - Gluten-Free Globetrotter
Jamie - Vibrantly G-Free
Gluten-Free Travel Resources
Celiac Cruise
The Inn Berlin: 100% Gluten-Free
Zaney Travel: Costa Rica
Gluten-Free Translated Restaurant Cards Legal Nomads
Gluten-Free & Allergy Free Translated Restaurant Cards: Equal Eats
Gluten-Free Kitchen Tools, Products & Cookbooks
Please click here to view my Amazon shop recommendations.
Margaret Clegg says
Thanks for including me on your list! I would add a few names under the dietitians who specialize in Celiac Disease.
1. Tricia Thompson of Gluten Free Watchdog (on Facebook & Twitter)
2. Lori Welstead (@GlutenFreeWindyCity on Instagram)
3. Melinda Dennis, RD for the National Celiac Association
4. Amy Keller, RD (@amyk_rd on Instagram)
Jennifer Fitzpatrick says
Thanks Margaret!
Lynn says
I can’t find the place to sign up for your newsletter.
Jennifer Fitzpatrick says
Hi Lynn: